Storm damages are on the rise in recent years for both homes and trees. As professional arborists, storm damage tree cleanup is something commonly deal with, we have a Storm and Emergency Response team set up to deal with tree storm damage quickly. We deal with everything from flooding to tree uprooting. By simply planning for precautions, you can protect yourself, your home and your trees.
We have compiled a basic five items checklist to help you get through any mess in the event of a storm.
1. Make Sure Your Insurance Policy Covers Storm Damage
If your existing home insurance policy does not include storm coverage, check with your insurance provider. A standard damage insurance policy will not cover storm damage, we consider choosing a policy that expressly covers storms and their impacts – a must.
2. Assess The Potential For Tree Damage In Your Yard
Inspect your trees for any potential damage regularly, regardless of storms or not. Branches that are too close to power wires or other structures should be pruned. If you haven’t had a check for a while – before the storm hits, hire us to come to your property to trim any branches and make a detailed assessment of the potential damage that a storm could cause.
3. Keep Outdoor Objects Safe
During a storm, any high winds have the potential to blow things around, even away. Take some time to secure any items that could be blown around, place small items in a safe area, larger items can be pegged – anchored in place.
4. Keep Gutters Clear
If you allow your gutters to become clogged, water will accumulate on the roof over time and leak into your home’s walls. This could result in leaks damaging internal and external walls. Regularly have your gutters created of leaves and other debris, make sure your drainage system is capable of removing water quickly.
5. Prepare An Emergency Kit
Storm damage can lead to long-term power outages, roads may become impassable, and you may need to evacuate your home on short notice. Obviously, this will make it difficult to go out and buy what you need—taking time to create an emergency kit that includes the bare essentials such as food, medicine, and emergency lights.
Do You Want To Minimise Potential Storm Damage? [H2]
We clear up after storms, we’ve built our business over 40 years to give you, our customers, everything you could ask for. To us, the Affordable name means more than just a reasonable price. It means giving you the level of service you’ve paid for and more. Affordable doesn’t only mean cheap. It means peace of mind, a hassle-free process, ethical business and environmental conscience, all rolled into one.
Contact us for a quote – call (07) 3353 4433 or 0411 599 995. Email
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